Carton 6
Contains 43 Results:
American Cancer Society, Advocacy Institute - Smoking Control Advocacy Resource Center SCARCnet Partners, 1997-1998
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Promotional materials and development of network brochure, 1995
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Resource material and communication with California organizations
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, Mailing to Ethnic Networks and brochure for "Tobacco Control in the 90's: The State of the Art" national conference , 1992
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, Policy Information and Strategy Exchange Teleconference (PISE), 1998-1999
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, Proposition 99 , 1994
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Association of Bay Area Health Officials (ABAHO) Alternative Sponsorship Project, Oakland , 1992
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
California Lavender Smokefree Network/CLASH, 1995
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
California PreEmption Education Project (CPEP), Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights/Western Consortium for Public Health, 1994
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.
Contra Costa County Health Department Tobacco Prevention Project, 1992
The mission of the Network mandates activities to connect tobacco-control organizations that reach out to populations of included ethnicity. Member organizations participate in workshops, conferences, training, and other events, and they are expected to share information. This series also includes documentation of recruitment of member organizations.